The view from Tim’s waterfront porch as a rocket is launched from KSC a few miles away.

Tim Trott began writing seriously after an early retirement from a blend of several careers, ranging from broadcasting to security systems and sound system contracting to website development and hosting. He now lives on the east coast of Florida, where he can sit on his front porch overlooking a canal waterfront and watch launches from the Kennedy Space Center over the treetops.

Tim Trott grew up reading the entire Hardy Boys series (the branch library finally just gave him their entire collection, which he later passed along to a high school friend), along with such authors as Robert Heinlein and Isaac Asimov, along with exploring works by Aldous Huxley and Bertrand Russell. Tim studied broadcasting and media at St. Petersburg College in the late 60s while working in local television and radio. After that, he began writing for radio newscasts and commercials. Fast-forward past the career in broadcasting, security contracting and web design and hosting, he published the first of several non-fiction titles before being challenged by the local writers group in Daytona, Florida, to try writing fiction. Tim always loves a challenge.

He developed his own take on science fiction and the paranormal. His science fiction writing style is influenced and inspired by authors William G. Collins and Veronica H. Hart.

Tim gained an early interest in aviation, inspired by the Sky King television series. Tim’s dad had once piloted gliders back in Rochester, New York before Tim was born. He passed the FAA student pilot exam but accumulated only three hours in his logbook. His interests quickly turned to drones, and received FAA approval for one of the first grants for exemption under section #333. Next, he passed the Part §107 Remote Pilot exam in the first hour of the first day it was offered, August 29, 2016, and was issued a UAG Remote Pilot Certification.

Then, he completed the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) Instructor Certification training at Pat Thomas Law Enforcement Academy in Tallahassee and passed the FAA’s Fundamentals of Instruction course. He turned his experience into a textbook to help other drone pilots pass the Part §107 UAG exam. He has since trained a few thousand drone operators through the book, online video courses and live or virtual classes.

Tim Trott can be found on Facebook groups focused on science fiction or Florida writers. The future promises a continuing series of science fiction short stories, perhaps even a novel, as well as more non-fiction works.

His Facebook account is featured here: