

To request other materials (interview questions, other graphics, publishing details, review copies),
Contact the Author or call (850) 766-9244 (Eastern time zone US).


Other photos available on request from the editor/publisher

Contact Talbert Gray for podcast remote audio/video interviews

Broken Border

(Release date 3/1/24)

Promo Video (0:34)

Review Preview Link

Contact the author for podcast remote audio/video interviews

What If… Volume 2

(Coming late 2024)

Guarding Against Identity Theft

(English and Spanish editions)

About the Author

Tim Trott, is a writer with a passion for investigating and shedding light on important issues. His writing is characterized by a commitment to research and a keen ability to communicate complex topics with clarity, a skill honed during his early career in broadcasting.

A lifelong student and observer of current events and issues, Tim brings perspective and insight to his work. While he may not be a widely known writer, the true value of his writing lies in the information he provides and the quality of his communication. His writing serves as a testament to a lifetime spent in diverse occupations, each contributing to a tapestry of perspectives on the complex issues that shape our world.

Tim Trott’s writing, whether non-fiction or fiction, is informed by research. Tim’s writing reflects a his ability to distill intricate information into accessible narratives. The result is engaging for readers from all walks of life.

In his post-retirement years, Tim Trott has found a renewed purpose in contributing to the discourse surrounding critical societal issues. Even his aliens have a message.